Thisweek’s Dev Diary is a really happy one. We’ve just recently announced the release of Tennis Manager 2022 coming out on the 17th of May, and we’re excited to see our project come to life. We’ve been keeping very quiet about the specifics of what we will include in the upcoming edition, but from now on we can start to let you know about all the different features you can look forward to seeing!
The Secret is Out!
Indeed, I hope we did a good job in keeping quiet throughout these last months. The team at Tennis Manager have been working hard behind the scenes, revealing little in the way of exact details regarding the upcoming game. Throughout this time period from the start of the year until now, all of our teams have been working relentlessly behind the scenes on their own separate projects in order to have them ready for May.
The Production and QA departments have been green-lighting features, as well as working flat-out to implement them and make sure any bugs have been resolved. Our senior devs have been working round the clock to schedule as many of the new features we intend to add as possible. Updates are being made to the match engine, the interface, the graphics, the gameplay, and the individual new features we intend to add. Throughout, the marketing team have been pushing the art direction and preparing new content to show off all the best bits of TM22. It has been a busy time for us, and will only get busier as we get closer to publication.
Available in all Good Stores!
Our Steam Page is now up and online: go ahead and put Tennis Manager 2022 on your wishlist, and get informed of any and all updates directly to your Steam news feed:
Exciting Things in Store
If March is too long for you to wait, do not fear! The marketing team at Tennis Manager have worked hard to organise some competitions for you all to take part in while you wait for the grand release of the game.
Starting from next week, and happening every fortnight, all Discord community members will bein with the chance of winning a grand variety of prizes, including but not reserved to: official tennis racquets, t-shirts and other clothing from our sponsors; special In-Game winks 😉 and free keys to unlock Tennis Manager 2022 for free upon its release, and much more!
What Next?
Very soon, I’m going to be able to start telling you about the vast variety of features we’re adding to TM22 to make it a grand improvement over last year’s edition. We’re going to cover everything, from visual changes to interface improvements; from match and simulation developments to brand-new features never before seen in Tennis Manager 2021, every week.
Eventually, each feature will be covered in its own time, with enough focus so that we can show why it matters, as well as the hard work we have put into it. For now though, don’t forget to add TM22 to your wishlist and spread the word: coming soon!
We hope you’re looking forward to it as much as we are. See you next week --- Jeremy